Friday 30 September 2011

Artist of the Week, Sharon Crabb

Sparse, linear, entangled, entwined.  Quite simply, sometimes less is more.  Using a bold black background set the stage for quite a statement. It is definitely worth experimenting with various surfaces.  I particularly like Sharon's changes in rhythm and pressure.

Friday 23 September 2011

Artist of the Week, Grant Overend

There is a very tactile, raw quality about Grant's work.  He has clearly made his claim on these images, displaying a great sense of abandonment and sheer authenticity.   It is quite an accomplishment to maintain such an expansive, directness with ones work. 

Friday 16 September 2011

Artist of the Week, Renae Turner

Renae's work has a real presence, it is lyrical and robust. A powerful combination, the structure in her work relying not on any theory, but a very raw, instinctual base.  Allowing a natural progression of ideas, marks and sculptural qualities to evolve.

Friday 9 September 2011

Artist of the Week, Penny McQueen

Penny's work is totemic and primal. Her language is direct, bold and fully committed.  These pieces were done in small sketch books, using markers.  One doesn't necessarily have to work to a large scale in order to liberate their marks, it is more about finding what mediums work best for you. 

Friday 2 September 2011

Artist of the Week, Laila Hugrass

One of the hardest parts about drawing is getting over that mental block, getting the chatter of the mind to stop trying to orchestrate everything. To surrender and distort, allowing the structures of your work to rise to the surface themselves.  It is breaking that visual skin, that enables a culmination of ideas to converse and intertwine as one solid work.