Friday, 27 April 2012

Artist of the Week, Kate Dick

A strong Artist has the ability to move beyond their comfort zone and allow their work to evolve.  Sticking with a formula that works can leach us of our creative truth.  We are often faced with the dilemma of staying safe, comfortable, yet bored OR stepping beyond that, even if it challenges us aesthetically.  Persevering until we reach a new place can be hard work, but much more satisfying.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Artist of the Week, Beth McKinlay

We've been talking a lot about the importance of 'mark making' and building up your visual vocabulary lately.  Beth's choice of marks liberate her work.  They are responsive, intuitive and well informed. They speak metaphorically, addressing feelings of things that are intangible and unseen.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Artist of the Week, Katie Edwards

Katie's work invokes both external and internal realities.  Often when we establish our drawing practice,  images that we have collated in our visual library of drawings, begin to emerge at unexpected times, a memory may be triggered and seek representation on the page.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Artist of the Week, Paul Jacobs

A stunning linear thread that twists, turns and undulates transporting the viewer to the rhythm of its song.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

John Olsen at Metro Gallery opening night

Book signing, something to treasure.  Made a lot of people happy, including me!